Creative Family Planning

Creative Family Planning

There are certain things a Woman dreams of from the time she is a little girl, and creating a family is one of them! We played house, carried our baby dolls around, and made sure every stuffed animal was comfortable before going to bed. Creating a family is instinctual for every human, yes even men, it just comes at a later time for them! It is a beautiful and emotional time in our lives. I have no children and I am not pregnant or even close to being ready, but I can honestly say I already love my children with all my heart!

BUT there is always that scary thought...what if I can not get pregnant?

Just a little over a decade ago women who could not conceive or give child birth naturally were looked upon in a negative light, and had little options. Thankfully, we have progressed! Now we have options like a gestational carrier, IVF, and adoption. Although, these pathways are still seen as controversial by some people, women and men who for what ever reason can not conceive naturally now have the chance to experience one of life's most rewarding and exciting gifts! Leading the way are celebrities like Giuliana Ransic ( E! News), Book Shields, Sarah Jessica Parker, Marica Cross (Desperate Housewives), Kathrine Heigle, Niel Patrick Harris and Ricky Martin! Each one of these proud parents has used one of the above pathways to creating their beautiful family!


Giuliana Ransic went through IVF and a miscarriage before turning to a gestational carrier. She allowed the world to see her struggle on her reality TV show "Gulianna and Bill". For one of the first times we saw a celebrity's seemingly perfect life in a new light. We witnessed frustration, fights, tears, and disappointment. More importantly she became an icon for all women who have and are struggling with pregnancy. Sarah Jessica Parker also used a gestational carrier to have her twin girls Marion and Tabitha in 2009; at the time she was 44 years old. (

Brooke Shields used fertility treatments to conceive for her daughter, Rowan Francis. After giving birth she sadly suffered from postpartum depression. Thankfully she not only over came her depression, but also brought to light a disease that many women have suffered through alone. Her openness allowed other women to come forward for help and support! Her book, Down Comes the Rain, reveals Brooke’s struggles with depression and infertility. Later on she conceived her son naturally! Marica Cross the sassy Bre Van De Kamp from Desperate Housewives used not only IVF, but also donor eggs. She was 40 at the time and realized her eggs were not viable. She now has two beautiful twin daughters! (

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Kathrine Heigle has chosen to create her family through adoption first, and in the future may choose to conceive naturally! She has two wonderful daughters and has given them a life of happiness and love! Niel Patrick Harris adopted twins with his long time life partner David Burkta. Being a gay couple, it is sometimes hard to adopt, but these two have shown critics that one's sexuality does not matter in raising children, it is one's dedication, love, and discipline. Ricky Martin, another openly gay male has chosen to be a single parent and adopted twin boys! He is a father that we should all look up to, for his hard work and passion for his children!

All of these celebrities are becoming trail blazers for those people who are going through the same struggles, and life choices.They are a inspiration!Your child is special in every way no matter the way they came about!


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