My Facebook Plea!

People of Social Networking Land, I have been given the challenging task of increasing our fans on Facebook to 1,000 on both store pages by September 1st. I need to make this happen! I'll do anything! Dye my hair blue? Wear a giant Cupcake suit around downtown? Do the Funky Chicken in the store window display? You just let me know! I'm determined. If you have any other ideas how I can boost our fan base (crazy or a bit more sane), I'd love any tips you can offer. And while you're thinking of these great ideas, take a second and log onto Facebook and "like" both of our locations' pages: Cupcake | children & maternity - Santa RosaCupcake | children & maternity - Healdsburg 

Come on people, take pity on me! I have no friends! Thank you so much, Jenna

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