T'was a Holiday Window

T'was a Holiday Window

The pressure was on...

T'was the day before Thanksgiving, when all through downtown,

Stores were decorating their windows, with everything but a clown.

The twinkle lights were hung by Pete's Coffee with care,

In hopes that Black Friday sales would soon be there.

The Cupcakes were drawing up plans of design,

For their famous windows, known for being refined.

And Jenny in her Ugg boots, and I in my hoodie,

Had just broken out the stored Christmas goodies.

When out from Jenny there arose such a thought,

To use simple coffee filters, but not in a pot.

Away to the grocery store, she flew like a flash,

And came back with the filters, mesh, and paint... the whole stash.

To work we went with creativity and glue,

Making Christmas trees out of what we normally use to brew.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But three miniature trees, with a green sprayed veneer.

We added colorful ornaments, snowflakes and snow,

With it all tied together, it was quite a holiday show.

More rapid that eagles the manikins we dressed,

And Jenny whistled, and shouted, and put on a vest.

"Now Nano! Now, Mimi & Maggie! Now, Fore and 191!

On, Appaman! On, Petit Lem! On, Goorin and Persnickety!

To the front of the window! To the side of the wall!

Now model away! Model away! Model away all!"

As quick as the kids who run to the play area,

The twinkle lights hung, with little hysteria.

And last but not least and with much care and ease,

We placed Melissa and Doug toys under the trees.

We sprang with joy at the completion of the display,

And we let out a sign and a yell of, "Hurray!"

But I heard Jenny exclaim, 'ere we took our final look,

"Happy Christmas to all, and they should turn THIS poem into a book."

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